At study group this evening a great question was brought up that made me think a little and a little more after I got home. What is the difference between Verbal Behavior and Discrete Trial Training?
I originally started my training with Discrete Trial Training (DTT) and am learning verbal behavior now. I think most people have been trained in DTT or also known as the Lovaas method. This program typically starts with attending or pre-learning skills such as: sitting, keeping hands/feet down, looking at the trainer; safety skills, and basic early academic concepts. Discete trial training is very structured moving from one program to the next and taking trial by trial data points, looking for a consecutive number of successes (independent trials) before moving on to the next program. DTT uses the same reinforcement, shaping, fading, and prompting as foundational ABA philosophies and behavioral principles.
In AVB (Applied Verbal Behavior) it feels like programing is a little more loosey goosey to me, but I have a feeling that is because I’m taking less data and using cold probe data versus trial by trial data. The programs and Sds are also mixed together so that we are not using the same pattern over and over. This program begins with pairing (or relationship building) by using the child’s favorite items in preparation to teach mands. Then we move into adding programs tacting, ffrc, intraverbal etc. It is good to use transfer procedures within the program so that the child learns connections and connects their learning from one thing to another. Again AVB uses the same reinforcement, shaping, fading, and prompting as foundational ABA philosophies and behavioral principles.
All in all, I don’t think one distinct program over another is better. I favor pairing and mand training to gain attention and compliance. I do feel that VB is a little easier and more natural to teach within NET (Natural Environment Training) and avoids certain prompt dependencies that you may find with DTT programs. AVB also seems to involve more motivation for the learner. Once those pieces are there an instructor moves into accepting wait and no protocols and adding the other verbal operants that Skinner speaks of (previous post). A great resource in assessment is Mark Sundberg’s VB-MAPP (Verbal Behavior- Milestones Assessment Placement Program) to help get you started. This is a copyright document.
A combination approach is probably the best, depending on what the child needs. Some children will need a solely VB program, while others may need components of DTT. Utilize what is best for the individual child!
A great website resource to get you started with descriptions can be found here.