Dedicated to enriching the lives of young ones and their families.
Our vision at Peak Interventions is to create a better everyday life for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other Developmental Disabilities through applied behavioral principles.
Our goal is to improve the lives of our children and their families by developing social, adaptive, and cognitive skills to allow them to be members of the community and achieve their greatest level of independence.
Our highly trained team consists of many professional disciplines. First and foremost, we are a team of behavior analysts, all credentialed as Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA), Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analysts (BCaBA), or Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT). Further each individual holds at the least a bachelor’s degree, but mostly masters level or beyond to educational specialists. Our team includes School Psychologists, Early Childhood Special Education Teachers (ECSE), Speech Language Assistant (SLP-A) and ABA masters level contractors. The variety in disciplines helps us to provide your family with quality services. In addition we do outreach consultation with physical and occupational therapist at no additional charge to you.
At Peak Interventions, we believe that family involvement is key. We strive to provide services with open and honest communication.